
mental telepathy中文什么意思

发音:   用"mental telepathy"造句
  • 心电感应。
  • mental:    adj. 【解剖学】颚的,颏的。
  • telepathy:    n. 心灵感应(术),传心术。
  • mental:    adj. 1.内心的;精神的,思想的;心理的 (opp. corporal)。 2.智慧的,智[脑]力的。 3.闷在心里的,暗自思考的。 4.〔口语〕精神病的;意志薄弱的,愚笨的。 a mental worker 脑力劳动者。 mental disorder [derangement] 精神错乱。 mental culture 精神修养。 mental age 智力年龄。 mental deficiency 智力缺陷。 mental faculties 智力,智能。 a mental test 智力测验。 mental reservation 内心保留〔对某事有看法但不说出来〕。 mental arithmetic 心算。 a mental home 精神病院。 a mental case [patient] 精神病患者。 a mental specialist 精神病专科医生。 n. 〔口语〕精神病;精神病患者。 make a mental note of 记住。 adv. -ly 在心里,精神上,智力上。 adj. 【解剖学】颚的,颏的。
  • he can communicate with her by telepathy:    他能用心电感应与她沟通
  • mental defect mental defective:    心智缺陷者
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  1. Watch for mental telepathy in dreams
  2. Most or all men who practice mental telepathy on stage have really trained themselves to detect tiny clues from the audience
  3. The first lemurian subraces allegedly were apelike , egg - laying hermaphrodites who communicated by mental telepathy through a third eye



        mental telepathyとは意味:精神感応、読心術{どくしんじゅつ}
        mental telepathy meaning:[American slang] n. phr. The passing of one person's thoughts to another without any discoverable talking or carrying of signals between them. Mrs. Smith knew the moment her husband's ship sank on...
        mental telepathy 뜻:phrase, 정신 감응, 독심술


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